Saturday, 3 March 2012


Joanna and I headed to North Berwick Law todain the hope of some nice sunny weather, although this ended up being quite broken up by cloud. Joanna started by repeating Darkness Falling (f6a+). I put the clips in Fogtown (f7a+) and almost did it clean on this attempt, but I fell off from the last move again. Joanna then had a go at Law and Disorder (f6a+), although she couldn't do the final move.
My turn next and I went back to Fogtown and fell off low down on my first attempt. I pulled the ropes and managed to do it clean, despite messing up the sequence in the middle abit.
We then decided to play around on a few of the boulder problems at the bottom of the main wall. I managed to tick Law of Gravity SS (font 6b+) and I Fought the Law (font 6c+).

1 comment:

  1. But what rock is north berwick law? (hint: phonolitic trachyte).
